Registration for the 2025 Watershed Stewardship Program Is Now Live

We’re so excited to meet our next cohort of watershed stewards. The Spring 2025 class will run from April 3rd - May 8th. See you there!

Watershed Stewardship

Workshop leaders
Pervious Surface

What is a watershed steward?

Healthy watersheds benefit the quality of life in our communities, keeping Clark County the beautiful place we all know. Healthy watersheds also help maintain our recreational opportunities, clean water, and habitat for wildlife and fish. We help our community members become watershed stewards by enhancing their understanding of what makes a healthy watershed and encouraging practices that lead to healthy watersheds.

How does the program work?

The Watershed Stewardship Program offers a combination of educational and optional volunteer opportunities to help participants learn about watershed processes and water quality issues in Clark County. Participants will complete a six week training course led by local experts and receive hands-on experiences. Participants are strongly encouraged to complete volunteer service to support their watershed community, raise awareness about watershed health, and promote actions that reduce stormwater runoff.

If you have questions about the program or are interested in becoming a better steward of our county, don’t hesitate to use our contact form or our Request for Assistance Form.

Program topics include…

  • Clark County and its watersheds

  • Surface and groundwater

  • Plants

  • Fish and wildlife

  • Policies, regulations and conservation easements

Virtual Watershed Stewardship Webinars

While we highly encourage participating in the full version of the program, we know that not everyone is available when the course is offered. Below we’ve created a virtual, abbreviated version of our course. Watch the five webinars below and complete a short survey to become a watershed steward today!

Ideas for additional action projects to take to help our watersheds:

  • Schedule a site visit with a Conservation District staff member to create a conservation plan for your property.

  • Plant native plants & remove non-native plants.

  • Create a pollinator garden.

  • Share what you learned with a neighbor or friend.

  • Volunteer with a local organization.

  • Install a rain garden.

  • Reduce or eliminate your pesticide & fertilizer use.

Do you have a creative idea of how you helped our local watersheds? Let us know!

Watershed Stewardship is a partnership between
Stormwater Partners of SW Washington
and Clark Conservation District.

Useful Links