Forestry Announcements

Our current grant funding is dedicated to forest health and wildfire preparedness. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance related to those topics, please use the form below. We do not currently have funding to provide forest management plans. If you are in need of forest management assistance please reach out to the Dept of Natural Resources' Small Forest Landowners Office.

Stewardship Forestry

Natural Resource Technical Assistance and Planning

Do you have specific concerns or issues on your forested land you need help addressing? Our staff can conduct a free, no obligation site visit to your property to provide suggestions and expert advice about a variety of natural resource concerns.

We can provide free planning for many issues, including:

  • Silvicultural

  • Tree planting, and/or thinning prescriptions

  • Forest health concerns

Being a small forest land manager is a lot of work. It can be hard to know where to start or everything you need to do to keep your trees healthy. We provide a variety of free services and management planning for small forest land managers in Clark County.

Contact us to get on the waiting list for assistance.

  • Invasive species management

  • Wildlife habitat improvement

  • And more! 

Forest Management Planning

We work with landowners to create forest management plans that are tailored specifically to individual properties. Plans are developed in accordance with best management practices to help you achieve your management goals and to address or prevent natural resource concerns on your forested land.

Having a management plan can help you gain access to a variety of financial incentive programs (see Financial Assistance Programs below for more details).

Are you are interested in receiving financial assistance to improve your 5+ acres of forested property? Do you want to convert your land to forest? Contact us to determine if a forest management plan is right for you!

Wildfires & Firewise

Wildfires are an increasing threat to rural communities in Western Washington. The good news is structural fires resulting from wildfire conditions can be prevented with some guided help.

Our staff can conduct a Home Ignition Zone Assessment to help you understand the risks wildfires pose to any buildings or other structures on your property. We can help you understand and implement proven prescriptions set forth by the National Fire Protection Agency for vegetation management within the 100’ “Firewise” zone surrounding your home and other structures.

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