Forestry Announcements
Our current grant funding is dedicated to forest health and wildfire preparedness. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance related to those topics, please use the Wildfire and Forest Resilience Assistance Form below. We currently have minimal funding to provide forest management plans. Please use the form below to determine your eligibility or reach out directly to the Department of Natural Resources' Small Forest Landowners Office.
We are excited to announce that we now have limited funding to support urban tree cover needs in the Minnehaha and Hazel Dell neighborhoods! Please go to the Urban and Community Forestry Program below to learn more about this new program.
Stewardship Forestry
Being a small forest land manager is a lot of work. It can be hard to know where to start or everything you need to do to keep your trees healthy. We provide a variety of free services and management planning for small forest land managers in Clark County. Check out our education page to learn more about forestry resources.
If you would like to schedule a site visits or are interested in general forest health, fill out our Wildfire and Forest Resilience Assistance Form or get in touch with our Forester and Community Wildfire Resiliency Lead:
Ryan Savaikie
Natural Resource Technical Assistance and Planning
Do you have specific concerns or issues on your forested land you need help addressing? Our staff can conduct a free, no obligation site visit to your property to provide suggestions and expert advice about a variety of natural resource concerns.
We can provide free planning for many issues, including:
Tree planting, and/or thinning prescriptions
Forest health concerns
Invasive species management
Wildlife habitat improvement
And more!
Wildfires & Firewise
Wildfires are an increasing threat to rural communities in Western Washington. Guidance from our staff can help prevent structural fires resulting from wildfire conditions.
Our staff can conduct a Home Ignition Zone Assessment to help you understand the risks wildfires can pose to any buildings or structures on your property. We can help you understand and implement proven prescriptions set forth by the National Fire Protection Agency for vegetation management within the 100’ “home ignition zone” surrounding your home and other structures.
We can also collaborate with your community to become a Firewise USA Site. Learn more about the Firewise program, reach out to us to receive personalized assistance to complete your community wildfire risk assessment, and help protect your community from wildfires today.
Chipper Program
Residents in Wildlife Urban Interface areas are eligible for our FREE chipper program!
Check if you live in a wildland urban interface area to meet our eligibility requirements.
We'll contact you with details about scheduling if you meet our eligibility requirements.
You prepare your site for the woodchipper (see tips below!).
Our Forester and Community Wildfire Resiliency Lead will inspect your wood piles the week before your scheduled wood chipping.
Our woodchipper will stop by your property in either March or April and chip up to 10 cubic yards of wood.
You use your newly processed wood chips for your landscaping, gardens, and more!
How to Prepare Your Site for the Woodchipper:
Stack up to 10 cubic yards of wood in an easily accessible place (like a driveway or at the front of your property). Please make sure your wood piles are neat and free of debris, and no taller than 5 feet. Please see the graphic for more details.
We’ll let you know the week we expect the chipper to arrive, but we can't guarantee any particular day or timing. The good news: You don't have to be home for the chipper to do its job! Just leave your wood pile in an accessible place, and you'll have processed wood chips ready for all of your landscaping needs.
Forest Management Planning
We can work with landowners to create forest management plans that are tailored specifically to individual properties. Plans are developed in accordance with best management practices to help you achieve your management goals and to address or prevent natural resource concerns on your forested land.
Having a management plan can help you gain access to a variety of financial incentive programs. See below to learn more about how we work with residents and partners to create effective forest management plans.