Riparian Announcements
Are you looking for technical advice about stream health on your property? Wanting to improve your riparian buffer and habitat?
Clark CD is excited to offer the Free Tree Program, now funded and available to landowners. The Free Tree Program helps landowners build and enhance the riparian buffers on their property. Qualifying participants are eligible for up to 200 stems of native plant species at no cost. Clark CD will work with you to develop a tailored planting plan for your site and provide appropriate vegetation from our native plant nursery. As a participant, you’ll need to prepare your site by removing weeds and other competition to ensure the success of the native plants. You’ll also be responsible for planting and maintaining these new plants. All of Clark County residents with stream on their property are eligible to apply, with priority given to properties in the Cedar Creek, Mason Creek, Rock Creek (Salmon), and Lacamas watersheds.
Contact us to determine your eligibility for the Free Tree Program.
Streamside Restoration
We all live in a watershed, but some of us live right along a river, stream, or wetland. The area adjacent to the stream is called the riparian area, which is important for keeping our rivers and stream cool and free of pollution and sediment (think: cloudy water). By keeping our rivers clean, we can all enjoy our waterways - whether you’re fishing for salmon, swimming in the summer, or looking for wildlife while kayaking along a river. Plus, cleaner waters mean happier and healthier habitat for fish, amphibians, birds, and other wildlife. Check out our education resources to learn more about streamside restoration.
What are Best Management Practices (BMPs)?
BMPs are researched practices that improve water quality, soil health, wildlife habitat, and other natural resources. The District has a wealth of information concerning water quality, management of small- and large -scale farming operations, and implementation of best management practices (BMPs).
We can provide free planning and financial assistance for many BMPs, including:
Riparian area specific tree/shrug/plant plantings
Wildlife habitat improvements
Non-native weed removal
Fencing animals out of the water
Off-stream Watering
Replacing culverts on forestland with bridge crossings
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) projects and practices
And more!
Looking for additional services? Clark Conservation District is just one drop in the bucket! We have many partners who are doing similar work in the region. We’re happy to help you leverage their support or funding to help with your project.