Clark Conservation District Board Election - March 11, 2025
The Clark Conservation District Board of Supervisors announces one elected seat on the board. The Clark Conservation District election day is Tuesday, March 11th, 2025.
All conservation district elections and appointments in Washington State are governed by Washington Administrative Code 135-110 with guidance and oversight provided by the Washington State Conservation Commission.
Each conservation district (CD) in Washington is governed by a board of five members, called supervisors. Three are elected locally by the public, and two are appointed by the State Conservation Commission. Conservation district board supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation (volunteer) and set policy and direction for the conservation district. To learn more about the responsibilities, powers, and obligations of a Conservation District Supervisor read the Conservation District Supervisor Responsibilities guide on Washington State Conservation Commission’s Local Elections and & Appointments page.
For additional information on any aspect of the District’s board or elections, contact the Election Supervisor, Shawna Smith, at ssmith@clarkcd.org or by calling 360-859-0714.
Am I an eligible Clark Conservation District voter?
All voters registered within the boundary of Clark Conservation District are eligible to vote in our elections. The vast majority of Clark County residents are qualified District voters. Only those registered within the city boundaries of Camas, La Center, Ridgefield, Washougal, and Yacolt as they existed in 1942 are ineligible to vote or run for an elected District position. Please visit our District Boundaries page to see if you are within an eligible area and learn about why areas of the county are outside of the District.
For Voters
Clark Conservation District’s 2025 election is mail-in only. Ballots can be requested through the ballot request form until February 18, 2025, at 4:00 pm. Registered voters who reside within the Conservation District boundary are eligible to vote.
Ballots will be sent the week of February 18th and should arrive in voters’ mailboxes the week of February 26th. The District office is the mail-in poll site. All ballots must be returned postmarked by March 11th, 2025. If ballots are returned by other means, they must be returned to Shawna Smith by appointment only at: 11018 NE 51st Cir, Vancouver, WA 98682 no later than 4:00 pm on March 11th, 2025.
For Elected Candidates
Candidates for elected positions must be registered voters residing in the Conservation District boundaries. For more information, see the Conservation District Candidates Guide to Elections or contact the Election Supervisor.
To file as a candidate, fill out form PF-A and return it no later than February 8th, 2025 at 4:00 pm to Shawna Smith at ssmith@clarkcd.org or by mail postmarked by the same date to:
Clark Conservation District
C/O Election Supervisor
11018 NE 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682