Habitat Restoration
Restoring habitat at home takes effort and knowledge. Whether you're just starting with native plantings or looking to enhance your existing landscape, we want to make it easier for you to get involved. On this page, we’ve gathered a variety of resources to help Clark County residents restore and protect natural habitats in their own backyards. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you’d like more information, please contact us.
Looking for technical or financial assistance? Visit our Streamside Restoration or Plant Sale program pages.
Native Wildlife Resources
A lot of creatures call Clark County home, and together we share this area. We’ve compiled several resources for how to help conserve our native wildlife on your property.
Add a vegetative buffer around water sources
Leave stumps and logs as habitat
Learn more by watching our amphibian webinars
Plant native plants
Provide water year-round
Leave dead trees and snags as habitat
Pick up your pet and livestock poop
Plant native plants along your stream
Learn more about Clark County’s watersheds
Create shelter like brush piles and logs
Provide water year-round
Avoid conflicts by following WDFW suggestions
Pollinators & Beneficial Insects
Leave brush piles and leaf piles as habitat
Streamside Restoration Resources
Clark CD is happy to share online resources, flyers and webinar opportunities about Best Management Practices (BMPs) for managing your land. To request more information about these resources, use our Request Assistance form.
Native Plant Resources
Learn about how to take care of your native plants.
Where to Buy Native Plants
Each year Clark Conservation District holds a native plant sale. The purpose of this sale is to promote the use of native plants in our landscapes. Below are resources we’ve compiled related to our plant sale.
Partner Resources
It takes a village to learn more about habitat restoration! Here are some partner resources that can help you with learning more how to turn your home into a habitat for our native plants and wildlife. If there is a topic you’d like more information about, please contact us.
Backyard Habitat Certification
Columbia Land Trust and Bird Alliance of Oregon offer this unique program to support the creation and expansion of urban natural habitats.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: Habitat at Home Program
Make a difference by learning ways to increase biodiversity through planting native plants, coexisting with wildlife, and making decisions that positively impact the health of our communities.
This guide offers simple ways to apply conservation practices in your backyard.. It helps protect natural resources, attract wildlife, and improve the environment.
North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Beaver Restoration Guide
Learn how to use our beaver neighbors to improve ecosystem functions.
Clark County Master Gardener Program
Get involved or get assistance on residential gardening and landscaping.
Environmental Education Activities for Youth
Help children and young adults learn about ecosystems and habitats.
Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group: Salmon and Steelhead Online Resources
Learn more about protecting salmon and their habitat.
OSU Extension: Tree Buffers along Streams on Western Oregon Farmland
Enhance your riparian zone to protect Salmon, steelhead, and other anadromous fish as they swim from the ocean to the headwaters of their home river.
… Don’t see what you need? Contact us!