Conservation at Home

Conservation happens in many places. From the indoors to the yard, we can take small actions at our home to make a difference in a big way. On this page, we’ve compiled several resources for Clark County residents. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you’d like more information, please contact us.

Water Quality Resources

Learn about actions you can take to protect waterways in Clark County or share the information with a friend with our downloadable informational pamphlets.

Wildlife Resources

A lot of creatures call Clark County home, and together we share this area. We’ve compiled several resources for how to help conserve our native wildlife on your property.


  • Add a vegetative buffer around water sources

  • Leave stumps and logs as habitat

  • Learn more by watching our amphibian webinars


  • Plant native plants

  • Provide water year-round

  • Leave dead trees and snags as habitat



  • Create shelter like brush piles and logs

  • Provide water year-round

  • Avoid conflicts by following WDFW suggestions

Pollinators & Beneficial Insects

More Resources