Manure Exchange
Clark CD maintains a list of livestock owners who have excess manure to share with interested gardeners, landscapers, and community members for free! Manure Exchange is a simple, free way to recycle valuable nutrients and organic matter.
Why exchange manure?
By recycling manure, a tremendous resource, we can all work toward improved water and soil quality in Clark County. The District has compiled a list of local livestock owners that wish to share their manure at no cost. Please remember that manure can often be a source of pathogens and weed seeds, and should be treated as raw organic matter and allowed to fully compost before further use.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our working lands staff. | 360-859-4780
I have excess manure …
If you are a livestock owner with excess manure, please add your information to our manure exchange sheet. Here’s what to do:
1. Determine how much manure you have. Estimates are okay!
2. Determine your availability. People will make arrangements with you to come pick up your excess manure.
3. Fill out the form. Add your information to the list linked on the right.
You can not be a provider if pyridine carboxylic herbicides (aminopyralid, clopyralid, fluroxypyr, picloram, and triclopyr) were used on livestock hay or pastures. Their presence may kill vegetation if they are in manure or compost applied to soil.
I want free manure …
If you are interested in receiving manure, you can reach out to any community member on the list directly. Here are some considerations:
1. Determine how much manure you need. Estimates are okay!
2. Prepare your vehicle. You will need to prepare an appropriately sized vehicle for pickup.
3. Check availability. Different landowners have different times that they are available for manure to be picked up. Once you’ve selected a landowner, contact them and make arrangements!
4. Utilize the manure to meet your nutrient needs. Check out the resources on the right for tips!